BinBin Flame Red 200L plastic bottle collection bin

115.66 ex. VAT

BinBin Flame Red 200L plastic bottle collection bin

115.66 ex. VAT

The BinBin Plastic Bottle Bin is a tough industrial plastic collector that pays for itself. Fill it with PET bottles and get your deposit back for this. With tailored trash bag.


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Why barrelkings?


BinBin Flame red |industrial oil drum bin 200 Liter with flame resistant lid| PET bottle collection| waste separation

The BinBin Plastic Bottle Collector is a sturdy industrial bin that pays for itself. How then? Since July 1, you get a 15-cent deposit per PET bottle. A full bag contains about 100 bottles So that’s 15 euros. So with 8 bags, you will have earned this bin back. And then you can start saving:) Save money and save the environment. It’s possible with this beautiful bin.

Ideal for in corporate canteens, soccer canteens, recreation places, gas stations, festivals, gyms. Good for the environment and good for the wallet. You can redeem the bottles at a supermarket. Gas stations along the highway are also increasingly taking in the empty bottles. In some cases, you can give them to your grocery supplier.

The red BinBin bin with PET bottle logo has a capacity of 200 L. The oil drum stands out nicely with its red color. Red is the color of plastic waste in ”Waste Land Netherlands.” The 200 L container has a flame-resistant lid with a 14 cm opening. This will prevent bottles that are too large from being thrown in. The BinBin plastic bottle bin thus comes with an aluminum flame-extinguishing lid equipped with a round insert opening.

Flame resistant or also called flame retardant. Both names are used but because of the funnel shape of the lid, in flame-extinguishing bins, smoke is directed back into the bin through the rim. The smoke cannot escape, oxygen deprivation occurs and the fire goes out.

So the fire department is also happy if you have this BinBin flame bin. So a safe bin to collect plastic bottles.

Most importantly, however, the environment is spared. Because plastic does not decompose much, if at all, it is enormously harmful to the environment. It takes as many as 500 years for the famous PET bottle, named after the plastic polyethylene terephthalate, in which many soft drinks and water are packaged, to dissolve into tiny particles of plastics. So make sure bottles are recycled!

The BinBin oil drum bin itself is also 100% recyclable. In fact, it is made entirely of steel and thus can be made into a new product. But it is still a long way off. In fact, the steel oil drum lasts a very long time! Especially if it is inside.

Specifications BinBin flame 200 Liter plastic bottle waste separation bin

  • Length: 58 CM Width: 58 CM Height: 89 CM Diameter hole lid: 20 CM Weight: 12 KG
  • Volume: 200 Liter
  • Suitable for waste stream: Plastic bottles
  • Easy to clean
  • Garbage bag easy to replace and does not come loose due to lid clip
  • Expandable as a modular waste separation station

57 cm


57 cm


87 cm




Hospitality, Schools, Sports clubs


Cans, Deposit, Flaming, Hospitality, Industrial, Oil drum, Outside, Pet Bottles, Recycle


200 liters

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